I want to kiss it and hug it and have its babies! It is concise and quick and efficiently organised.
I want to kiss it and hug it and have its babies! It is concise and quick and efficiently organised.
This is what a library app should be: simple, easy to use, well-organized, all the main features front and centre. Great job!!!
Excellent way to quickly view account details such as holds requests, items checked out and corresponding due dates. Convenient renewal option. Cool Google maps interface allowing your location to be visible if you allow the App to use your current location of your mobile device. Great branch location and contact details summary pages. Addictive catalogue search options. A must have App!
I find this app amazing but one thing I would like to see added The barcode of the book.... When it just says young adult paperback for like 5 different books how do I know which one is the one thats overdue? Please add
Straightforward and well put together.
Really great app to check when books are due and it really handy to renew items! The interface is clean and simple. When logged in your iPod/iPhone can become your library card with the bar code, in case you forget your card!
Super easy to use app. Very clean, friendly and straightforward. Well designed.
I could not recommend this app to anyone more. There is nothing not to love about it.
Like everyone has said, this app has a great foundation. I would like to see the addition of the For Later shelf so I dont have to use the full site for this.
This app is great for the various reasons that other people have itemized. However, the app has hung for hours in "My Borrowing" and "Search" and has no sign of finishing.
This app is amazing, it makes our public library exp even better!
I love this app an use it all the time. My home library is saved. I use it nearly everyday to quickly and seamlessly put books on hold, check whats due, see when holds are available and quickly add books to my shelf I hear about in passing. VPL did an amazing job developing this app! Great work!
Going on the VPL website is much faster. This app spins and spins and thinks and thinks.... it takes about ten minutes of spinning just to check what books Ive taken out. VPLs website does this in under one.
Well organized, good use of screen space, has useful functionality for browsing. BUT, hangs frequently when trying to load info--stopping and restarting doesnt fix it. Not a useful app because it stalls while connecting 95% of the time.
Super easy to use & very helpful. It hasnt frozen or crashed at all for me.
It has same features with the website. I am quite surprised that the app is way better than mobile web for translink. They should learn from vpl. Handy because you can use it anytime you want!
I use this app every day, but the only thing that bothers me about it are the jagged graphics. I think every app I have on my phone has retina graphics except this one. It has been 2 1/2 years since Apple released the retina display, and the app has been updated since then, but still looks blurry on the newer displays.
Does everything you would want it to. Awesome... But iPhone 5 updates please, new iPhone has been out for > a month now.
The old version of this app is not usable anymore, and the updated version requires iOS 4.3, which my iPod Touch 2nd Gen. simply cant have. Too bad, since I really enjoyed the convenience of this app.
Love this app. Use it all the time for my son, but new version will not work on my 3gen I touch:( please bring back a version for older iPods.